Monday, October 27, 2008

CVS - week of 10/26

Here are a few of my transactions this week!

My Transaction
(4) Soy Joys - 4.00
Bayer Contour Blood Glucose Meter - 30.00
(4) Always Infinity Pads - 19.96
(2) Sunday Papers - 3.00
(2) Gold Emblem Candy - 1.98
SubTotal - 58.94

Coupons used: ($45)
(4) $2 off Always (-8.00)
(2) BOGO Soy Joy (-2.00)
(1) $30 off Blood Glucose Meter
$2 off Gold Emblem Candy
12.97 ecb's used

oop: .97, Got back $4 ECB's for SoyJoy, $4 for Always. Loss of 4.97 in ECB's.

His Transaction
(4) Soy Joys - 4.00
Nova Blood Glucose Meter - 9.99
(2) Always Infinity Pads - 9.98
(2) Gold Emblem Candy - 1.98
(2) CVS bars of soap - 1.98
(2) pieces of candy - 1.78
SubTotal - 29.71

Coupons used: ($16)
(2) $2 off Always (-4.00)
(2) BOGO Soy Joy (-2.00)
$5/$30 from magic CVS Scanner :)
$2 off Gold Emblem Candy
14.37 in ECB's

oop: .34 (I can't get the math to work out right...I'm thinking that the coupons/ECB's paid for part of the sales tax...)

Got back 17.99 ($9.99 ECB's for Nova, $2 for Always, $2 for soap, $4 for SoyJoy) Profit of 3.62

NET: Paid $1.35 for all this stuff!! Not too bad!!!

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